The threesome jackass

The story is long and a bit crazy so you might have to sit down for this one, but for sure worth reading about it. This happened to me and was about year ago I totally got over it in a second but I wanted to share with you this fun story. So for New Year's 2015 I went with my two friends to Barcelona because we loved the city and what a better place to celebrate it and we stayed there till Monday. On Sunday for our last night we of course had to go out and we went out first to the Ice bar, which is pretty cool. It is like a bar where everything is cold and even drinks they serve in ice glasses and they have pretty great lights in different colours and we wanted to check it out so we stayed there for about an hour and then we moved on to beautiful club next to the beach called "Shoko". The club that night had my favourite kind of music R&B and it was all fun I danced a lot with my friends and couldn't be bothered to look for any guy I just wanted to have fun for our last night there. I was not even that drunk even though I drank a lot, but one of my friends was and she was acting little crazy, but it was fun watching here she was screaming my name and dancing crazy. Around 4 am I just standing next to my friend and watching my other friend dance and then at one point a guy came up to me asking me how I am and where I am from and then I said that I am from Switzerland and he totally liked it because he was from Germany so he asked me to go to smoking area so I said alright. He took my hand and we sat there for a while and he was asking me questions about myself and it was very nice, we talked to about 15 minutes or so but he had to go back to his friends, but he asked me for my number so he can call me later and we can do something. So after I went to my friends and about 30 minutes or so we left the club and went to out apartment. After that my friend and I went out to get some drinks and then I get call from the guy asking me if I wanted to come to his apartment and I said yes so I went with one of my friends and other stayed in apartment because she was feeling sick. We met and he hugged and introduced me to his friends and we all walked together to their place. When we came to their apartment we sat on sofa and my friend was already getting warmed up with his friend and I was sitting next to his other friend but talking to him all the time and he was asking me nice questions about me. It was all nice and then his other friend took my friend upstairs to some room, but not the one she was getting on so well, and then of course the other one was pissed off so he went upstairs to see what is up. And then I stayed with the guy and his friend and the guy didn't come for long time so I figured they three were upstairs having threesome because these guys made plans for all of that. Anyways I was downstairs with the other two guys and they started asking me about threesome and if I had them and of course I said no because I didn't and I guess they were warming me up to idea to have one. I did think a bit but of course I said no because they are friends and it will be complicated. Anyways they got over it so then I was sitting on guys lap and we took photo, but then all the sudden I was freezing so the both guys tuck me in and it felt good. But then they kept asking about threesome and I didn't want to do it. Then the guy from club said okay you can do it with my friend I am anyways tired and I was like I came for you not your friend dude so I guess he figured out and said we should go to my place since his friends were there and mine too. So we were walking holding hands very nice and he was very nice, but I wasn't feeling too well so I did wanted to do it but I knew I was on my third day of period. It was risky to do it and I always didn't want to be that girl he sleeps with and then never calls again .So I said I am not feeling well so he started making out with my in bed and he was pretty amazing kisser because I still remember it. He then said omg you are such a good kisser and then he said we have to do it so I was laying on bed watching him how he takes his shirt off. He didn't have sixpack but good enough and then I took my shirt off but that was the time I had to tell him we can't do it because of my period. And at first his was so pissed off, but he got over it very quickly because I gave him amazing massage. After he asked me if I want to give him blow job but I didn't want to because I only do that with my boyfriends not some random dude. But after that we took nice photo in bed and then he said he likes he and that he enjoyed the time with me. My friend came home so he had to leave and we said goodbye and said we should keep in touch and I should never change I am an amazing girl. Also did I mentioned he had amazing German accent that I am totally into totally plus for him. View days have passed by I was back home and he in Germany and he didn't text so I was talking to one of my guy friends and he said I should ask him how it is going? He replied right aways and I asked him some random question and he didn't answer I waited three days and I wrote like it was a joke and then we started talking and he answer something stupid so I had to think about it what to write but I have already read the text and I haven't replied for long time. I was checking and everything was alright up in the evening when I saw he blocked me on whatsapp and I was first thinking maybe I blew it because I didn't slept with him in Barcelona, but then he wouldn't replied me in first place at all, but we did write a bit. So only reason why he blocked me was because he didn't wanted to be played by me, though I wasn't trying to play him . So that was that we never talked or saw each other again and our story ended there. I believe I met him for a reason and the reason is to see how much value I have and to not go for any guy even if they are all nice they only want one thing, and to stay strong and don't do it the first time you meet the guy.  Even though nothing happened between us I bet he had respect for me for not doing it.Who knows if we met when we were both older and ready for something seriously it might have worked out because we did get along pretty well. I was just really pissed off at him because he said all these things to me and at the end of it, it seem like he was lying and making me feel I am different from others. Who knows what future holds for us two, we might meet but I hope if he has a girlfriend he treats her better. And I do not regret that I have not done it that night, but I do wondering if things were different and we would have done it at some point how would it be. 

Hot football player

This one is not too crazy and also not too long but still very interesting. In the summer one Saturday night I went out with my friends out to some fancy club in my city called "Hiltl". We had our own lounge that night, but at some point I went with my friend to the dance floor since other friends didn't want to dance. We were dancing and drinking little bit and at some point it got really hot so we decided to go out so we did and we sat on the floor. But it was pretty hot so it wasn't that bad. My friend was at that point already too drunk and she was being even a bit annoying and then a guy came to me asking me if I am hot and I said yes. Then we just started talking us two and it was pretty nice and then my friend wanted to go to dance so asked the guy if he always wants to come and he said he will be right there. Some other of my friends came to dance floor and we danced and for a while a German dude was dancing with me until the guy came and I left the German dude to dance with the guy. The guy was half Moroccan half Latino kind of course good mix  and did I said he is football player for one of top 10 football teams in Switzerland and of course he could dance like crazy so we danced and it was all nice and he even kissed me. Boy was he a good kisser and then at some point I wanted to go out again because in the club it was way too hot the guy went to talk to his friends and my friend saw her long lost lover and then she started making out with him and I was like just sitting by myself on the floor and guy came out and we were talking and it was all nice and good and he seem to be really interested in me. So I asked him after to come and eat with us so we called some of his friends and we all walked to burger king and sat down and talked and sat and we just were checking each other out and giving hot looks. After that my friend went home and I sat down with him, he was talking to me and also did I mentioned he spoke French as well. We were in park talking and being very close to each other so he asked me if I wanted to come home with him, but I really liked him and I didn't want to be that girl at least with guys I like so he said give me your number. So I gave him my number and I thought he would text me right away, but he didn't. A lot of time has passed and still nothing and I was still thinking about him and just wanted to know the reason he didn't text. Long time has passed by and at one very casual Friday we went to another fancy club called "Jade" and I went with two of my good friends and we started dancing on of my friends was talking to guy and at one point my other friend said I saw my friend let's go and say hey to him and I was like yeah sure. Guess who the friend was? It was the guy!!!!! Can you believe it after that long time he was right under my nose and he actually did remembered me and he said he was very sorry for not texting but he lost the phone. He was very happy and we had great time that night as well. Now we are getting along, going out and sometimes messing around who knows what will happened with us. But from this one I learned never just give the guy number either call your phone from his or take his phone take control don't wait for them to call or text. I mean if it one night stand guy of course not but if you like the guy totally don't risk of him either losing phone or him not texting you will anyways find out if he is not interested if he doesn't text back. Be good girls hope you liked this one   

The threesome jackass part one

The story is long and a bit crazy so you might have to sit down for this one, but for sure worth reading about it. This happened to me and was about year ago I totally got over it in a second but I wanted to share with you this fun story. So for New Year's 2015 I went with my two friends to Barcelona because we loved the city and what a better place to celebrate it and we stayed there till Monday. On Sunday for our last night we of course had to go out and we went out first to the Ice bar, which is pretty cool. It is like a bar where everything is cold and even drinks they serve in ice glasses and they have pretty great lights in different colours and we wanted to check it out so we stayed there for about an hour and then we moved on to beautiful club next to the beach called "Shoko". The club that night had my favourite kind of music R&B and it was all fun I danced a lot with my friends and couldn't be bothered to look for any guy I just wanted to have fun for our last night there. I was not even that drunk even though I drank a lot, but one of my friends was and she was acting little crazy, but it was fun watching here she was screaming my name and dancing crazy. Around 4 am I just standing next to my friend and watching my other friend dance and then at one point a guy came up to me asking me how I am and where I am from and then I said that I am from Switzerland and he totally liked it because he was from Germany so he asked me to go to smoking area so I said alright. He took my hand and we sat there for a while and he was asking me questions about myself and it was very nice, we talked to about 15 minutes or so but he had to go back to his friends, but he asked me for my number so he can call me later and we can do something. So after I went to my friends and about 30 minutes or so we left the club and went to out apartment. After that my friend and I went out to get some drinks and then I get call from the guy asking me if I wanted to come to his apartment and I said yes so I went with one of my friends and other stayed in apartment because she was feeling sick. We met and he hugged and introduced me to his friends and we all walked together to their place.

Sh... you will have to wait little bit for next part be patient it is coming soon

Shopping: Men Vs Women

Shopping is such an amazing thing to do if only you didn't need money for it, it would be perfect hobby. But we all know women like to shop more than men or at least in my world. And when it comes to shopping we all know men and women they are different in many aspects so I thought it would be fun if we would write how are men and women with shopping:

1. Choosing:
Women: I think this one is pretty clear to everyone, women take too much long to just choose things they are going to try on, we go through the store couple of times to be sure we have seen it all 
Men: men are pretty easy, they check the store and take what they like and that is it

2. Getting ready for shopping:
Women: when it comes to getting ready for shopping for us women that is big deal and it is like kind of passion so we want to be looking good when we go shopping so we need at least one hour to do our makeup and put outfit for the shopping
Men: this one is pretty easy, men just take their jacket put shoes on and out 

3. Buying stuff:
Women: we are not easy, when we try stuff out and they look good we are still going to think about buying it and maybe we will even go to another store and then come back 
Men: if they like something and it looks good they will for sure buy it sometimes men don't even try stuff they like

4. Spending money on shopping:
Women: we can spend our whole salary on shopping and we go shopping so often at least once a month a woman has to go shopping and when we do we can't stop
Men: they go shopping when they really need something or maybe for some special occasion 

5. Choosing store:
Women: we women we will go to every store in the mall and even go to another mall and see what they have
Men: men have their one store and that is it and they just go there look for things they need and go and pay

6. Shopping alone or with someone:
Women: I don't know a lot of women who don't like to shop with someone, when we go shopping then we grab out bestie for some fashion advices and also who doesn't love to have fun with bestie while shopping
Men: men don't like to shopping with some, they just want to go buy what they need a be done with it because they don't really like shopping

So this was my fun article about men and women shopping and how different they are. If you can relate to it please leave a comment and also if you want us to do more articles like this

Nakedlydressed xx